My's Corat-Coret

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Is It Fear, Or Is It Love... Unconditional Love...

Kmaren nemu artikel yang judulnya is it fear, or is it love disini. Dan di awal artikel ada 3 pertanyaan ini :
  • Do you love your spouse or do you fear to live alone?
  • Do you love your job or do you fear of having no money at all?
  • Do you fear God or do you love God?
Hmm... ya setelah dibaca-baca, intinya sih, yang sekarang kita lakukan -ntah itu pekerjaan, ntah itu hubungan atau apa aja- apakah kita melakukannya karena kita TAKUT, atau karena kita MENCINTAInya. Kalau sekarang kamu lagi kerja, kamu kerja karena kamu bener-benar MENCINTAI pekerjaanmu atau kerna TAKUT bakalan ga punya duid kalau ga kerja. Contoh lain, kamu yang sekarang lagi berpacaran, apakah kamu pacaran karena kamu TAKUT sendirian, atau karena kamu benar-benar MENCINTAI pasangan kamu?

Cukup menarik, karena segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan dengan cinta, pastilah hasilnya akan lebih baik jika kita melakukannya karena takut.

salah satu kutipan yang menurutku menarik di artikel itu
"Keberhasilan adalah your own happiness. Karena ketika melakukan hal dicintai, they never feel tired. Titik jenuh mungkin ada, kegagalan mungkin bisa terjadi, but they always find the reason to go back. LOVE."

Soo.... Find Your Love

Lagi mau nulis blog ini, aku iseng-iseng nanya kang gugel.... ketik "it's fear or it's love" ternyata ada banyak artikel tentang ini. Iseng-iseng juga klik salah satunya dan mulai baca-baca. Wew.... aku suka beberapa bagian, kerna aku juga punya pemikiran yang sama. Dan kemaren baru aja bahas "kenapa kau mencintaiku dan kenapa aku mencintaimu". Ini sedikit mirip dengan jawabanku kemaren, tapi tata bahasanya ga jelas, dan ga tau deh intinya nyampe apa ga...:D

Nah ini bagian yang aku suka, kalau mau baca artikel aslinya bisa klik ini

Love is much big­ger than a feel­ing for one per­son. Love starts with the accep­tance of real­ity itself. Accept­ing real­ity for what it is and not what you think it “should” be is the first step to expe­ri­enc­ing the state of love. You can­not love one per­son and not love other peo­ple and the world itself. So, by now you might have noticed that the kind of love I am talk­ing about is uncon­di­tional love. And, yes, that is the only love there is.

When­ever you have a rea­son for lov­ing you may be sure that it is not love. It most likely is a need. Ask your­self why you love your part­ner. Is it because he is good to you, strong, hand­some, good father, or is it because she is beau­ti­ful, sup­port­ive, good mother? Now ask your­self what would hap­pen if your part­ner loses those qual­i­ties or stops doing thinks that you love him for. Your love will most cer­tainly dis­ap­pear.
We can safely con­clude that your love is not uncon­di­tional, but you were get­ting what you needed and you were grate­ful to your part­ner for it. Your part­ner sat­is­fied your needs and that’s why you “loved” him. And, fear of los­ing it was always present, or you just took it for granted. You did not love your part­ner for who he is, as a per­son, but for what he does, or what need of yours she could sat­isfy. So when your part­ner says he is not in love with you any more, or that she does not love you any more, he/she prob­a­bly never really did in the first place. You were only sat­is­fy­ing one or more of your partner’s needs and now you don’t.

Hmm... yaa.... Intinya tentang Cinta Tanpa Syarat. Di bagian lain dibahas tentang cinta yang ga pake "takut". Tapi masih belum ngeh, belum sepenuhnya setuju, ntah kerna masih ga ngerti apa yang ditulis *maklum inggris ane pas-pas an*. Lain kali aja ketik-ketik tentang itu.

Soo... Sekali lagi, Let's Find Our Love...
daan..... Marilah mencintai tanpa syarat....

With Love...;)

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